O Holy Night...
I love being pregnant at Christmas time! This year, especially since I am pregnant, I have been thinking a lot about Mary and her pregnancy with our Savior. I think about my son all the time. I talk to him and pray over him. I think about his arrival when I get to hold him in my arms and see his face for the first time.
One of my favorite Christmas songs comes from The City on a Hill: It's Christmas Time. It's Sara Grove's song, Child of Love. Every year when I play the CD, that particular songs moves me. It has even greater meaning to me this year at Christmas. The lyrics are so beautiful, and I get goosebumps and teary-eyed every time I hear it.
Child of wonder, close your eyes
Rest here in my arms tonight
Someday you will save the world
But tonight I'll hold you right here in my arms
Precious miracle of life, child of love
Gift of hope, the gift of life from the Father above
And you were made for all mankind
You will always be mine, child of love
Gabriel's promise has come true
God has blessed this world with you
And as I humbly hold You now
In my heart I know I'm holding Heaven's child
Precious miracle of life, child of love
Gift of hope, the gift of live from the Father above
And you were made for all mankind
You will always be mine, child of love
Child of wonder, close your eyes
A Christmas craf tthat I made is actually something that I made a school with my fourth graders called light bulb ornaments. All you need is an old, light bulb that has burnt out, some paint, hot glue, and fabric scrapes.
Last year we made snow men by painting the light bulbs white, then putting textured snow over the paint, painted on a face, used some fabric scrapes to make a stocking cap over the metal part of the light and used yarn to make a scarf. We attached an ornament hook to the back of the hat with hot glue.
This year we made penguins. We pained the bulb black and white, painted buttons going down the middle, used hot glue to attached the eyes, pipe cleaner nose, and mittens cut out of fabric. We attached the hat to the metal again and then attached a pom-pom to the corner of the hat. They turned out so cute this year. I can't wait to make these ornaments with my children someday.
I hope that you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!