It's a New Year
- read through the Bible in a year. I have downloaded the YouVersion app on my Kindle, and through that I am following the ESV version. I started in mid-December, and have been pretty consistent about reading it so far. My favorite feature is the audio because I can listen aloud to the Bible, which really comes in handy especially in the Old Testament.
- Pray more- I have downloaded a prayer calendar for praying over Brett and Silas. Plus I have placed a few books about prayer on my reading list.
- Memorize the Book of Colossians
- pray for Brett everyday
- go on at least two dates, away from the house, a month
- pray and read the Bible together every night
- spend time together every night talking about our day, and just enjoying being around each other
- pray for Silas everyday
- read aloud from his children's Bible everyday
- pray with Silas everyday
- read aloud stories everyday
- be more consistent with a daily routine and discipline
- begin planning, organizing, and implementing early learning at home resources and strategies
- plan one weekly outing together and/or as a family
- create a Motherhood Mission Statement
- continue to work off baby weight
- walk at least three times a week
- go to the gym at least three times a week
- begin introducing more real foods and eliminate more processed foods from our diet
- follow our daily routine more consistently
- keep the house picked up
- follow a weekly and monthly chores plan
- learn to cook more real food options
- continue to learn about and incorporate more natural cleaning methods
- read at least four books a month, including at least one fiction book
- tackle my list of projects, hoping to accomplish at least two a month
- stay up to date on photos and memory books for Silas and the family
- Cut back on our TV viewing- I have been turn off the TV during the day, and I have to admit how much more productive I am and purposeful with my time. I should mention that I have not been sitting around watching TV all day, but have gotten into a really bad habit of just leaving it on as background noise, or watching it while I was nursing.
- Limit my Internet time to one morning session and one evening session. I have to admit that this one will be a lot harder for me, but this goes back to my goal of being more self disciplined this year and a better manager of time.
- blog more consistently
- Continue to serve one Sunday a month in the church nursery
- look out for opportunities to serve in my church or community at least once a month
- being more diligent at preserving friendships, both local and long distance
- continue to be apart of my weekly Bible study at church
- work on loving and communicating better with some difficult family members
- continue to tithe to our church and support our current missionaries and ministries
- adapt a Cash Only spending plan
- continue to pay off debt
- save to pay with cash a new washer and dryer
- aim to help supplement our income by subbing at least four times a month
- continue to meet with my husband once a week to go over our finances and plan for goals
So these are the goals I have for the 2012 year. I have really spend a lot of time over the past few weeks to examine where my priorities are, and where they should be. I have created a book list of books that I would like to read this year, as well as create a list of projects and things that I want to try. Apart from being more disciplined and a better manager of time, I have also been very convicted of how I spend money too. Not that I am an extravagant spender, but really more mindful of daily purchases, and better at planning to save up for more big ticket items.
Here is the list of projects that I am going to be working on in January:
Books to Read
A Hearth in Candlewood by Delia Parr 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think by Laura Vanderkam Tell Your Time e-book by Amy Lynn Andrews
Cut Your Grocery Bill Half with America’s Cheapest Family by Steve Economides
When I Lay My Isaac Down by Carol Kent
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp
Totally Together: Shortcuts to an Organized Life by Stephanie O’Dea
Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth- limited library
So here's to a new year and to goal setting. It is my plan to update my blog more consistently as I am working through these goals, as an act of accountability. What are some of your goals for the new year?