Days and Nights

Just when I felt like we were finally getting into a routine, this week happens.

Sweet little Amelia has had her days and nights reversed, and I thought we were finally making headway, but this week was a big u-turn back in the wrong direction.

Silas has this little book of opposite sayings in his book collection, and I think that it adequately describes Amelia's sleep cycle right now. She sleeps great during the day. She sleeps in her bouncy chair, the swing, my moby wrap, even her bassinet. Despite my best efforts to wake her up, and keep her up, I am losing the battle. She loves to sleep when the suns out, and party when the moons out!

Our doctor says that by about 6 to 8 weeks babies will get themselves on a similar schedule to ours, well she'll be 8 weeks next week and I hope she's right because this is one exhausted mama! Not that I don't love to cuddle with Amelia at night, there is no older sibling which to compete for my attention.

I know this season will pass soon, but when your living right in the middle of it, it seems so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Amelia is growing and eating well, and has even smiled at me a time or two! She is such a sweet baby, and I love to listen to her sweet little coos, even if it is at 2 in the morning!

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