A Reason to be Thankful and Honoring the Sabboth
This week Brett and I were blessed in two big, unexpected ways financially. God is so faithful and I was humbly reminded of that this week. I'm not going to share the specifics online (however if your really curious just email me).
One of my goals this year was to focus on gratitude and all the ways that the Lord is faithful and how He blesses His children. I am thankful that Brett works hard to support our family so I can stay home and raise my little loves. I was planning to go back to subbing at least once a week, even though I was less than excited about that. Because of the blessings we received this week, I don't have to anymore, unless I choose to. It has been a much welcome answered prayer!
I have also decided that I am going to add a goal for my 2013 list of goals. November I made a choice to fast from the Internet for most of the month and was greatly refreshed by that time. I am going to go offline, all day, every Sunday. No emails, no Facebook, no blogging (obviously this will start next Sunday as I'm writing this on a Sunday!)
I have really been convicted about how I spend my time on Sundays. I am going to make a real effort to complete all of my housekeeping tasks by Saturday afternoon so that way I can enjoy Saturday evenings and Sundays without having to much. Basic household pick up, dinner prep and cleanup are still going to be around, but no laundry, and no chores.
Instead I'm going to focus on rest, worship, and spending time with the people I love the most.