Merry Christmas
Cherishing my days as a Christian wife and mother
I have been reading a lot this year. As of today, I have completed more than 50 books! Most books I have posted on my Pinterest page, a few short "how-to" e-books I didn't bother posting. I have really made it a priority to read, mostly during Silas' nap times or in the evenings while Brett is watching baseball. Outside of favorite shows recorded on the DVR, I have almost completely stopped watching TV. I admit that during the Olympics, the TV was on most of the day, but it was the Olympics so I gave myself grace :) I also have made it a habit to read during commercials if Brett and I are watching something on live TV that I'm interested in.
I realized how much the TV was on during the day, mainly as background noise, and it really started to bother me. I don't want Silas to become a TV watcher outside of approved shows or movies. Plus I have become more aware of the advertising. This summer I have been trying to simplify our lives by removing clutter, simplifying toys, trying to eliminate processed foods, and removing sugar from our diets, all of these things commercials directly counter act.
At first I thought it would be hard to not have the TV on as background noise. Being home all day, most everyday can sometimes get lonely. But once I turned the TV off, I turned the radio on and have either K-Love, Pandora, or my favorite CDs on in the background. Having quality music in the background has really been uplifting, especially in the first few months of the pregnancy when I was feeling so sick. With the TV off, and the music on I am much more likely to read instead of being distracted by something probably useless on TV.
Most everything I have read this year had been worthwhile, there have been a few duds along the way. All of the books I have read have been recommended my other bloggers, or books that I have sinned pinned, or are books that I have been wanting to read for a while. I wanted to share a few of my favorite reads so far this year.
The first book is Money, Possessions, and Eternity by Randy Alcorn
I can't say that this was an easy read, but it has definitely been the most challenging read of the year. To be honest it was really hard to read for two reasons, the chapters are long, and it is incredibly convicting and powerful. Alcorn pretty much goes against the American dream of saving up lots of money, and buying nice things for yourself. In fact it's quite the opposite. He really challenges the reader to look at money not as "yours" but as God's. I have recommend this book to several family members, and Brett and I have spent a lot of time talking about some of the points I have read.
The second book is The Preacher's Bride by Jodi Hedlund.
After a rather long blogging break, I'm going to attempt to try blogging again (fingers crossed). So we will see how long I can keep it up this time. About a week after my last post I found out I was pregnant again with Baby O #2 and to say I was anything but surprised would be a lie.
Silas had just turned 11 months old and I was preparing for his first birthday, with tears in my eyes, seriously how could he have already been a year old anyway? One night when I was getting up from the couch I felt a sharp pain in my lower belly. It made me pause for a minute and I started thinking. Over the next few days I started really paying attention to my body and doing some math. At dinner one night I told Brett that I think I might be pregnant. Ever so confidently he told me I wasn't, but I was pretty sure, 85% sure I told him. He just looked at me with his reassuring look and told me not to panic until I bought a pregnancy test. I told him that I bought one and I was going to take it that night. Then he started laughing as if this couldn't even be real.
Brett and I were in the starting phases of talking about when we wanted Baby #2. We were thinking about waiting until Silas was a little closer to 18 months to 2 years old before we actually got serious about having another baby. We were in for quite a shock, especially as the pink positive sign appeared. We both burst out laughing, and then I started crying. Baby Meltdown #1. I was just starting to get my pre-pregnancy body back. I was starting to sleep really well again. I felt like I had a pretty good routine down with Silas. Over the next month I had about two more meltdowns, one in private and the other in front of my book club ladies. I was slowly coming to the realization that I was in fact going to have another baby and I might as well get used to it.
Then the nausea and exhaustion hit me like a freight train. This pregnancy has been really hard on my mentally, emotionally, and physically. I had more morning sickness than I did with Silas, thankfully that has passed. I was, and still am, battling extreme exhaustion. The simplest tasks make me feel like I just ran a marathon, so you can imagine that taking care of a busy, mess making, energy filled, demanding yet adorable toddler boy has left me even more wiped out. The constant binding down, picking him up, letting him crawl all over me has left me feeling very achy. Plus I have also been feeling rather guilty because when I should be enjoying this time playing with him, all I want to do is crawl up on the couch and take a nap. Some days I still hold him during his nap just to cuddle with him.
On the emotional side of the pregnancy I feel like we have been through a lot too. When we found out that we were having a girl, we also found out that there might be some complications with her heart. Then we found out that she might have Downs Syndrome. So for about three weeks I was in a dark place trying to not let every negative thought enter into my mind. Thankfully all of the tests came back negative and our doctor assured us that we should have a happy and healthy baby girl.
So from the start of the year our family has been on a crazy ride. As I enter into the summer months and into my third trimester, I am beginning to feel really good again. I am nesting too, which means the house is getting a major cleaning. And I'm just trying to enjoy being with Silas. Yesterday I took him to a nearby playground. He had a blast, but let's just say the equipment is not meant for a 28 week pregnant lady. I was feeling the effects of that all night!
So these are the goals I have for the 2012 year. I have really spend a lot of time over the past few weeks to examine where my priorities are, and where they should be. I have created a book list of books that I would like to read this year, as well as create a list of projects and things that I want to try. Apart from being more disciplined and a better manager of time, I have also been very convicted of how I spend money too. Not that I am an extravagant spender, but really more mindful of daily purchases, and better at planning to save up for more big ticket items.
Here is the list of projects that I am going to be working on in January:
Books to Read
A Hearth in Candlewood by Delia Parr 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think by Laura Vanderkam Tell Your Time e-book by Amy Lynn Andrews
Cut Your Grocery Bill Half with America’s Cheapest Family by Steve Economides
When I Lay My Isaac Down by Carol Kent
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp
Totally Together: Shortcuts to an Organized Life by Stephanie O’Dea
Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth- limited library
So here's to a new year and to goal setting. It is my plan to update my blog more consistently as I am working through these goals, as an act of accountability. What are some of your goals for the new year?
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