Merry Christmas

I love Christmas time, but now I love it even more with little ones! Silas, while still not totally aware of everything going on, has enjoyed many Christmas experiences.
He love to play with his "Baby Thesus" (Jesus) in his Little People Nativity set.
He loves the "Twinkle Lights" on the Christmas tree
He loves to say "Merry Cheesemas!" (Christmas)
And my favorite, when asked if he is on the naughty or nice list, he squeals with delight and answers "Naughty!" While he can be naughty (hello two year old boy!), he really is so sweet and gives the best hugs. He also loves to give "Baby" kisses too.
Amelia is growing so fast! I can't believe she will be 4 months old next week. I look forward to next Christmas when she will be able to participate in the Christmas activities too.
I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas as you celebrate with your family and friends. From our family to yours, Merry Christmas!


Christmas 2012 card

Joyful Blessed Wishes Religious Christmas Card
Turn your favorite photos into Christmas cards at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.


Going Offline

Recently I read the book Holy Parenting: Making the Common Sacred by Benjamin Kerns. I was really touched by this book. One of the things that made me stop and think for a while was when the author talked about taking a fast from being online as a way to stay connected to your family. I thought about that for a while.

I was convicted of how frequently I am on the Internet- either at the computer, through my phone or Kindle. I am very guilty of this while I'm nursing, while Silas is eating and playing, even in the evenings when Brett is home. Now I'm not sitting on the computer for hours on end neglecting my family and home, but I have been convicted of all those minutes that I have stolen away with the intention of having a few minutes of "me-time." Not that me-time is bad, rather it is very important to have personal time to re-fresh and re-energize. Nor is the Internet bad for that matter either. I have just been personally convicted of how I spend my minutes each day.

I should be looking forward to play with my kids, and interacting with husband iinstead of looking forward to check Facebook, Pinterest, or favorite blogs. I have also noticed how I have been spending time doing these things before I even spend time in the Word or prayer, and some days I'm not even doing either.

So here is the plan I have come up with to help me become more intentional with my family, and free time. Starting tomorrow, November 1, I'm going (mostly) offline. Here are my rules:
  1. No Facebook
  2. No Pinterest
  3. No Swagbucks
  4. No random Internet surfing
  5. No daily blog reading- this one might be the hardest for me because there are about 5 blogs that I enjoy reading on a daily basis, but I have also been convicted of how much I compare myself to these women and then fell like a failure. I often feel these women/moms have it all together- perfect moms, perfect homes, perfect routines. So I need to stop reading these for a period of time.
Here are my few exceptions:
  1. E-mail- but not daily, rather only once or twice a week because there are a few things that I am accountable for through e-mails
  2. Shutterfly- this is how I share photos of my kids with family, plus I have already started a few Christmas gifts
  3. You Version- my daily Bible reading plan is through YouVersion which is only accessed through the Internet
  4. Google- only if I really need to look up something that I need the Internet for.
  5. My plan is be offline through the whole month of November, but I know Thanksgiving weekend I will be online because of trying to score some Black Friday/Cyber Monday Christmas deals. My goal is focus on re-prioritizing how I spend my time, mainly in regards to my family, as well as my spiritual life.

I need to be looking forward to spending time with God through reading His Word and communicating through prayer.

I need to be enjoying every moment with my precious children because they won't be so little for to much longer.

I need to be investing more into my marriage because I have seen to many marriages crumble in my family due to lack of priorities.

I need to be focusing on all the wonderful gifts that God has blessed me with, and since November is the month of Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday) what better month than any to take an online fast and focus on everything that I am grateful for.

So I will check back in on December 1 to share my update of my progress and struggles. Also please note that this is a personal fast for me. I don't think that everyone needs to give up Facebook or other online activities to have meaningful time with the Lord, their children, or their husbands.


Days and Nights

Just when I felt like we were finally getting into a routine, this week happens.

Sweet little Amelia has had her days and nights reversed, and I thought we were finally making headway, but this week was a big u-turn back in the wrong direction.

Silas has this little book of opposite sayings in his book collection, and I think that it adequately describes Amelia's sleep cycle right now. She sleeps great during the day. She sleeps in her bouncy chair, the swing, my moby wrap, even her bassinet. Despite my best efforts to wake her up, and keep her up, I am losing the battle. She loves to sleep when the suns out, and party when the moons out!

Our doctor says that by about 6 to 8 weeks babies will get themselves on a similar schedule to ours, well she'll be 8 weeks next week and I hope she's right because this is one exhausted mama! Not that I don't love to cuddle with Amelia at night, there is no older sibling which to compete for my attention.

I know this season will pass soon, but when your living right in the middle of it, it seems so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Amelia is growing and eating well, and has even smiled at me a time or two! She is such a sweet baby, and I love to listen to her sweet little coos, even if it is at 2 in the morning!


Amelia's Birth Story

I finally have a few free minutes to write about Amelia's birth story. Her birth was much different than Silas' birth, in fact everything about this pregnancy and even delivery have been very different and at times extremely difficult. On the flip side, once Silas was born he had a lot of difficulties and complications with jaundice, low birth weight, and nursing, while Amelia has been incredibly easy going and a great nurser, in fact yesterday at her two week appointment she weighed in 2 ounces past her birth weight!

It all started the day before, Wednesday, were my doctor and perinatoligist (high risk OB, I had to go to them too because of the gestational diabetes) wanted to induce me because some of my sugar levels had risen. We already had an induction date scheduled for the next week, and honestly I didn't want to be induced. Having done my research of natural birth, been going through our Bradley Method for a second time, I knew that by being induced the odds were against me of having a natural birth. After a late afternoon phone conversation with my doctor I told her that I would talk to my husband that evening and give her a phone call the next morning. I knew she wanted to induce me the next day, but she agreed to wait and have me think about my options. I was pretty upset, and when Brett came home from work and we talked about it, we both decided that we wanted to wait a few days, and see what would happen over the weekend. If I didn't go into labor naturally, then we would agree to the early induction.

That night I woke up around 12:30am and just did not feel very well. Being a pregnant lady I was used to waking up several times a night needing to use the restroom or just uncomfortable. This was different, but I didn't really think much of it at the time so I was able to fall back asleep. About two hours later I woke up to a contraction, again I didn't think much of it because I had been having irregular Braxton Hicks contractions for months now. However this one was a little stronger and kept me awake. About 10 minutes later I felt another one. From the time I woke up until about 3:00am I laid in bed and timed them. I had about 4 contractions all about 10-12 minutes apart. I decided to get up, walk around, and have a snack to just to check to see if these were in fact "real contractions." For the next several hours, I paced the living room, watched TV, and tried to read as I timed my contractions. They were regular at 10 minutes apart. Finally at 6:00am I woke Brett up and told him that I was having contractions and he should call in to the office. I took a shower and got dressed, during this time my contractions stopped. I knew that this could happen in early labor as you start to get excited about being in labor. But we continued to do things around the house to get prepared. My mom came over around 8:00am, and then we sent Silas over to my mother-in-law's house. I called my doctor's office to let her know what was going on, but I knew that we couldn't do anything until the contractions were closer together at 5 minutes apart. So we waited. I walked around the house to get my contractions moving along again, which they started back up. We packed our bag, and got the car loaded, and I continued to walk around.

Around 11:30am, they were back to being regular about 8-10 minutes apart. We decided to go get some lunch, because I knew that I wouldn't be allowed to eat once I did make it to the hospital. The contractions were starting to come a little stronger, and a little more frequently at about 6-7 minutes. After lunch, Brett and I went to the Target which is right across the street from the hospital. We wanted to keep walking around, but didn't want to go all the way back home. While we were walking my contractions got very intense, some were right on top of each other, and at times I couldn't even walk I was just hunched over the shopping cart. Brett called back the Doctor and she told us to go on in to the hospital.

We got to the hospital, and got checked in to the maternity floor. The nurse hooked me up to the fetal monitor and checked me. I was still just dilated to a 3 which is what I was about 2 days ago. Also during this time my contractions stopped again which was pretty frustrating. The nurse told me that she would monitor the heartbeat for about 30 minutes than have me walk around for an hour and then check my progress. The whole time while walking around I was have a few contractions that were hardly strong at all, and they were a little more than 10 minutes apart. I wasn't progressing at all. Finally my doctor came in and told me that I could go home and continue to labor, or I could have my water broken to get things moving. She assured me that since I was already having contractions I would probably not need to be put on pitocin, that the contractions would pick up on their own. Brett and I spent about 30 minutes talking about it, and after much frustration I decided to go ahead and have my water broken. I didn't want to go through the drama of going home only to have to come back again, plus I knew my doctor was recommending to break my water anyway.

At 5:00pm my doctor broke my water which was the strangest feeling, completely different than when my water broke naturally with Silas. I also has a sort of freak out moment because I knew there was no turning back now! I was allowed to continue walking for an hour, than had to be hooked up to the monitor for about 15 minutes. My contractions definitely picked up in frequency and intensity. Walking the halls really helped. I continued walking the halls until around 8:30pm, then after that I wanted to stay pretty close to our room. The next hour and half  my contractions were pretty much right on top of each other, and extremely painful. This was the part where I totally understand why women opt for pain meds, and in fact I told Brett that I didn't think I could do it anymore. Thankfully he was very encouraging and a great coach. At 9:45pm, the doctor on call came in to check me (my doctor's shift had ended so another doctor in her practice would be delivering me which I wasn't thrilled about but there was nothing I could do about that). I had only dilated to a 7. By this time my contractions were incredibly intense, and I had so much pressure to start wanting to push naturally. The doctor told me I could not start pushing because I wasn't fully dilated yet, but I don't think he understands what if feels like to have your body take control and start pushing naturally. The pain was so intense that I actually started to throw up, which in looking back now I think that is what helped fully dilated me because in about a 10 minute window I went from a 7 to fully dilated.

I was finally allowed to push, as if my body was going to wait any longer, and during one last final contraction with one push Amelia Josephine was born at 10:15pm. After almost 18 hours of labor my daughter finally came into this world. I also thought it was incredibly beautiful that she was born to my favorite song by my favorite artist. Sara Grove's "Add to the Beauty" was playing in the background.

Unlike Silas, Amelia took to nursing naturally and latched on as soon as she was placed on my chest. She remained there for the next hour, and has been a nursing pro ever since.

 I completely enjoyed the whole labor experience with Silas and I am glad that I had that experience first. Even though Amelia's birth wasn't quite as easy or what I had planned and envisioned, I'm still glad that I was able to have a second medication-free child birth. I can't say that I would be to eager to replicate that again though, but hopefully with time God will give me the strength to go through labor again if He so blesses us with another child.


A little mommy guilt

I'm sure that many women who are about to have their second child go through a normal phase of mommy guilt, or at least I am. I am so excited for Baby Girl's arrival in a few short days, but I'm also a little sad at the same time. I know my hormones are raging because I have been going from tears to giggles in a matter of moments lately.

I'm sad because my days alone with just Silas and I are coming to a close and soon he is going to have to share my attention, affection, and love with another. I'm sure that he is going to be just fine, and he is young enough that he will adjust. It's me who has become the blubbering, sentimental mom. I have been going through his baby book, looking at his newborn pictures and have been reminded just how quickly the time has gone by. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that when I brought him home from the hospital, 19 months later I would be bringing home his little sister too.

Baby Girl will officially be here next week. Since I have gestational diabetes my OB recommends that it is best for the baby's health and mine to deliver by 39 weeks. So next Thursday if she hasn't come on her own, we will be inducing. I'm not thrilled with the prospect of having to be induced. I had such a great, natural childbirth experience with Silas and I really want to be able to experience that again. I know that with inductions my chances for pain medicines, and even possibly a C-Section do go up. So I'm doing everything possible to try to go into labor naturally this weekend.

Which also makes me realize that these are in fact my last few days with just Silas. I have been trying to make them count and spending as much intentional time with him as possible. (Not that I haven't been doing that anyway!) Last week we went to the Deanna Rose Farmstead in the morning, and he loved feeding the baby goats. We've also been cuddling a lot more, especially during naps. I realize that in a few weeks when I need him to get back to napping alone in his crib I may regret this, but for now I'm enjoying this special time.

I have been spending the past few months in pure nesting mode- cleaning, organizing, purging, baking, freezer cooking. And I must admit it's been a long time since our house has been this organized. Our freezer is stocked full with foods that I have been cooking. Brett jokes that we're ready for the Apocalypse! While all this nesting has been good, and I will really appreciate being organized once I have Two Under Two, I have also been really trying to focus as much of my energy on my time with Silas.

So hopefully Baby Girl will come on her own before next Thursday, that's what we're praying for! While I'm waiting, I'm going to be spending as much time with Silas as I possibly can.


Turn Off the TV, Open a Book

I have been reading a lot this year. As of today, I have completed more than 50 books! Most books I have posted on my Pinterest page, a few short "how-to" e-books I didn't bother posting. I  have really made it a priority to read, mostly during Silas' nap times or in the evenings while Brett is watching baseball. Outside of favorite shows recorded on the DVR, I have almost completely stopped watching TV. I admit that during the Olympics, the TV was on most of the day, but it was the Olympics so I gave myself grace :) I also have made it a habit to read during commercials if Brett and I are watching something on live TV that I'm interested in.

I realized how much the TV was on during the day, mainly as background noise, and it really started to bother me. I don't want Silas to become a TV watcher outside of approved shows or movies. Plus I have become more aware of the advertising. This summer I have been trying to simplify our lives by removing clutter, simplifying toys, trying to eliminate processed foods, and removing sugar from our diets, all of these things commercials directly counter act.

At first I thought it would be hard to not have the TV on as background noise. Being home all day, most everyday can sometimes get lonely. But once I turned the TV off, I turned the radio on and have either K-Love, Pandora, or my favorite CDs on in the background. Having quality music in the background has really been uplifting, especially in the first few months of the pregnancy when I was feeling so sick.  With the TV off, and the music on I am much more likely to read instead of being distracted by something probably useless on TV.

Most everything I have read this year had been worthwhile, there have been a few duds along the way. All of the books I have read have been recommended my other bloggers, or books that I have sinned pinned, or are books that I have been wanting to read for a while. I wanted to share a few of my favorite reads so far this year.

The first book is Money, Possessions, and Eternity by Randy Alcorn
Money, Possessions, and Eternity

I can't say that this was an easy read, but it has definitely been the most challenging read of the year. To be honest it was really hard to read for two reasons, the chapters are long, and it is incredibly convicting and powerful. Alcorn pretty much goes against the American dream of saving up lots of money, and buying nice things for yourself. In fact it's quite the opposite. He really challenges the reader to look at money not as "yours" but as God's. I have recommend this book to several family members, and Brett and I have spent a lot of time talking about some of the points I have read.

The second book is The Preacher's Bride by Jodi Hedlund.

Pinned Image

It's a fictional story set in the 1600s Puritan England. It is based largely on the life of John Bunyan and his wife and the trials and persecution they endured. It was definitely a page turner, in fact I started it on a Friday and completed in the next Sunday!

The next book that I really enjoyed was Simplicity Parenting by Dr. Kim John Payne

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Earlier I talked about trying to simplify our home by removing clutter, and trying to eliminate toys, this book touched on that. It also talks about simplifying our schedules, and as Silas gets older really evaluating the activities that he is involved in. The author's main point is that it shouldn't be about stuff (toys, clothes, gadgets, etc.) or activities, but about the intentional time a family spends together.

The next book is The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin
The Happiness Project: Or, Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun

While there were some things that I didn't agree with in this book, mainly the author dabbles in some Eastern religion philosophies, there was a lot I did enjoy. It was a pretty quick read and I did feel "happy" after I read it :)

A final mention is Grace for the Good Girl by Emily Freeman

Pinned Image

I could completely relate to this book from the title to the contents. I have always felt like a "good girl." I don't drink, I didn't date or sleep around in high school or college (in fact I married my first date :)). Sometimes though I never felt good enough, pretty enough, smart enough even though I was, and still am a complete people pleaser. I avoid confrontation, I am extremely introverted, I'm socially shy when put in situations where I don't know many of the people. In fact I remember once a really good friend tell me she thought I was a snob when she first met me because I was so quiet. She thought I didn't like her! In fact it's usually the opposite, I enjoy the new people I am meeting, I just can't think of an intelligent thing to say!

In Grace for the Good Girl, the author encourages us to remove the masks we've been hiding behind, the "try harder" life we try to live, and to realize that we are free in Christ and the life that he has given to us.

These are just a few of the books that I have read that I feel like I should pass on and recommend to others. I still have quite a few books left on my reading list this year that I'm excited to read. Hopefully I can still keep up with reading after Baby Girl arrives any week now! I'll keep you posted on anymore praise worthy books :)


It Finally Came!

There is nothing like opening your front door to a long awaited package. Yesterday was like Christmas for the Osborn household, at least for me anyway. I had been waiting and waiting and my package with my Life Planner from erin condren finally came!

Let me give you some background information:

First, I love all things office and school supplies, binders, and new planners. I loved back to school time because I could justify buying new notebooks, and my favorite pens and markers. This is probably one of the reasons why I loved being a teacher so much- fresh, new supplies. And there is nothing that I love more than getting a new planner. I'm a paper-planner girl. I know some people love to stay organized with e-calendars on their phones or gadgets, but apart from my Kindle I am not a gadget girl. I love to write things down, and then cross them off. I have been told that I can check things off too on an e-calendar, but to me it's not the same. Every year I spend a great deal of time perusing the office supply store looking for the perfect calendar planner for the year. Call me a nerd, but I can spend hours in an office supply store and a book store. (While I love my Kindle, I will also be a forever book lover!) There is something so wonderful about being able to physically hold something.

I had a calendar for this year, but to be honest I have been so unorganized due to the first trimester pregnancy symptoms. This past spring once I started to feel better, I knew I had to get my act together with a second kid coming. I used to be so organized. My classroom had labels for everything, yet lately my house had become a disorganized, clutter-filled pit. So through Pinterest and a few blogs that I follow regularly, I began looking for ways to get my house and life back together. And then I stumbled upon Erin Condren's website by the way of another blogger proclaiming great love for something called a Life Planner. I checked it out and I was also in love! I even told Brett about it and showed him the website, as if he would even be remotely interested but he appeased me as I went on and on about how great this planner looked.

Since it was only April, and the 2012-2013 calendars wouldn't be available to order until June, I had to wait. I'm not going to lie, there were many days when I would check on the website to see if the planners were available yet. I was making myself crazy, and I kept talking to Brett about it. Then my husband, in all of his wonderful wisdom, pointed out that I might be coveting a physical object and I should probably get my heart in check. Ouch, but convicting. He also told me that if I really wanted one, I should be saving up my discretionary spending money. So I began praying (to help focus my mind and heart on eternal things), and saving  my money. When the planners did go on sale, I had enough money saved up (honestly the planners are not exactly cheap and I did feel a little foolish spending my money on something that would only last 18 months, but I don't spend my money on a lot of other things, and I had saved my money so I could purchase this.) So I ordered it, and the waiting began.

 Waiting, and waiting, it seemed to take forever, they personalize their planners, laminate the covers and are assembled my hand so even though it was a long wait, I knew I was getting a quality product.

So the planner finally came yesterday, and I absolutly love it. I felt like a kid waiting for Christmas morning. So much anticipation, and it was totally worth it. Here are a few pictures of my new Life Planner:

Here is the package with the planner, samples, a coupon off my next order, and colorful ball point pens.

Laminated personalized cover, and laminated montly tabs.

Month-at-a-glance page, which also include side notes for goals and to-do lists. Also in the back of the planner there are lots of colorful stickers to highligh special events!

Week-at-a-glance pages which are divided into morning, afternoon, and evening sections for better record keeping.

Thanks for putting up with my crazy rambling about love for a planner, but I wanted to share my enthusuasim and pass this on in case anyone else is as crazy as I am!


Long Days, Short Years

I recently read the following quote:

The days are long, but the years are short.

How true they are! Some days at home can feel so long. Silas has never been a very good nap taker (I can only hope for a better sleeper the second time around!), so some days when he fights me to nap he can be rather difficult. I call him Sir Fuss-A-Lot, and fuss a lot he does! I find myself looking at the clock a lot those days thinking about how many more hours until Brett comes home.

Even though some days feel REALLY long, I'm always amazed by the end of the week thinking, "It's Friday already? Yesterday was just Monday!" Time is going by quickly. I look at Silas and can not believe that in a few days he will be seventeen months old! And in about two months he won't be my little baby anymore because I'll have a new baby and he'll be the big brother.

I have really been trying to focus on spending my time with Silas in a more positive light. Yes, some days will continue to feel long and he will continue to act challenging. But this season will only last for such a short time and I don't want to look back and realized that I wasted it away.

His shirt says Little Mess Maker which describes him to a T!

In my journal most days, I have been trying to write down at least three memories from the day, sort of like a gratitude journal only all about my time with Silas. It makes me realize just how much I do enjoy staying home with him each day and how blessed that I am able to do that.


2012 Goals Revisited

Back at the beginning of the year I created a list of goals. To be honest, some goals have fallen by the way side (mainly due to the pregnancy), but I have been really intentional in some areas too. I wanted to re-visit where I have put my main focus on.

  • read through the Bible in a year- I have been very diligient about this, and am up to date on my readings!
  • Pray more - I have been trying to daily pray. A few months back I read A Praying Life by Paul Miller, and have been working on making prayer cards.
  • Memorize the Book of Colossians- this has fallen by the way side. Maybe next year :)
  • pray for Brett everyday- I have been really trying to be pretty consistent about this. Plus I have also noticed that the more I pray for him, the less I am to focus on negative qualities (as if that should be a new realization!)
  • go on at least two dates, away from the house, a month- we have been really good about this!
  • pray and read the Bible together every night- this is one habit that we have gotten out of the habit of doing, mainly because we have started going to bed at different times. I will say while we haven't been really good about reading the Bible together, we do pray together most nights.
  • spend time together every night talking about our day, and just enjoying being around each other- every night at dinner we re-cap our day and talk about what's been going on. I have also been watching A LOT of baseball in the evenings with Brett trying my hardest to be interested in his long time love.
  • pray for Silas everyday- trying to be consistent with this
  • read aloud from his children's Bible everyday- most days we do this, but to be honest I really need to be better about this.
  • pray with Silas everyday- I am ashamed to say that I don't do this, so this area needs some work!
  • read aloud stories everyday- Oh yes, we read Silas' favorite books over and over again on a daily basis! (Is is wrong that I'm tempted to hide a few of his books? :))
  • be more consistent with a daily routine and discipline- we pretty much have a weekly routine down, but to be honest it depends on my energy level on how consistent I am with discipline.
  • begin planning, organizing, and implementing early learning at home resources and strategies- it's still on my list of things to do, just haven't done so yet.
  • plan one weekly outing together and/or as a family- does running to Target count? :)
  • •create a Motherhood Mission Statement- again, it's still on my list of things to do, just haven't done so yet.
  • continue to work off baby weight- Obviously not happening!!
  • walk at least three times a week- before it became hotter than anything around here, we were faithfully going on daily walks.
  • go to the gym at least three times a week- most weeks it is a miracle if I get there twice.
  • begin introducing more real foods and eliminate more processed foods from our diet- this is an on going adventure.

Home Keeping
  • follow our daily routine more consistently- starting in June I really got disciplined in this area.
  • keep the house picked up- I hate clutter, so I have been really good about this.
  • follow a weekly and monthly chores plan- only in June have I really been doing this, the nesting phase has kicked in!
  • learn to cook more real food options- with the execption of a few things, I pretty much cook from scratch most nights.
  • continue to learn about and incorporate more natural cleaning methods- I just made a homemade window cleaner today!
  • read at least four books a month, including at least one fiction book- I have been reading like crazy this year! I forgot how much I love to read. I have pinned all the books I have read on my Pinterest page. Later I will blog about my favorite books that I have read this year.
  • tackle my list of projects, hoping to accomplish at least two a month- I've only done a few things that I had planned.
  • stay up to date on photos and memory books for Silas and the family- I have been really good about this. I just finished Silas' baby book and organized his keepsake box. Plus I have been uploading photos to Shutterfly and making a photo book about every three months.
  • Cut back on our TV viewing- I have hardly watched any TV over the past few months, except for baseball :) In fact I even approached Brett about canceling our cable, but he is not quite on the same page yet.
  • Limit my Internet time to one morning session and one evening session- FAILED, especially since my Kindle Fire connects to the internet.
  • blog more consistently- I'm laughing at myself for this one!

  • Continue to serve one Sunday a month in the church nursery- we love this, but with Baby Girl Osborn arriving in September we will only be doing this through August. Hopefully we have an opportunity to do this again next year as things calm down a bit.
  • look out for opportunities to serve in my church or community at least once a month- I've been pretty good about this. We've had a baby boom at church this year, so I have made a lot of meals!
  • being more diligent at preserving friendships, both local and long distance- could use more work :)
  • continue to be apart of my weekly Bible study at church- this ended in May will resume in September.
  • work on loving and communicating better with some difficult family members- on going, but this is an area where I really struggle with keeping a pure mind. Satan knows this is an easy target for me.

  • continue to tithe to our church and support our current missionaries and ministries- on going\
  • adapt a Cash Only spending plan- somewhat there, but not entirely.
  • continue to pay off debt- making huge gains!
  • save to pay with cash a new washer and dryer- done!
  • aim to help supplement our income by subbing at least four times a month- I subbed a lot this spring which really helped, and it's my goal to continue to sub again starting around the holidays.
  • continue to meet with my husband once a week to go over our finances and plan for goals- faithfully meet once a week :) So thankful to be married to a banker!
It's funny because as I was writing this out I realized I had been making a lot of head way on some of my goals this year!


I'm Back!

After a rather long blogging break, I'm going to attempt to try blogging again (fingers crossed). So we will see how long I can keep it up this time. About a week after my last post I found out I was pregnant again with Baby O #2 and to say I was anything but surprised would be a lie.

Silas had just turned 11 months old and I was preparing for his first birthday, with tears in my eyes, seriously how could he have already been a year old anyway? One night when I was getting up from the couch I felt a sharp pain in my lower belly. It made me pause for a minute and I started thinking. Over the next few days I started really paying attention to my body and doing some math. At dinner one night I told Brett that I think I might be pregnant. Ever so confidently he told me I wasn't, but I was pretty sure, 85% sure I told him. He just looked at me with his reassuring look and told me not to panic until I bought a pregnancy test. I told him that I bought one and I was going to take it that night. Then he started laughing as if this couldn't even be real.

Brett and I were in the starting phases of talking about when we wanted Baby #2. We were thinking about waiting until Silas was a little closer to 18 months to 2 years old before we actually got serious about having another baby. We were in for quite a shock, especially as the pink positive sign appeared. We both burst out laughing, and then I started crying. Baby Meltdown #1. I was just starting to get my pre-pregnancy body back. I was starting to sleep really well again. I felt like I had a pretty good routine down with Silas. Over the next month I had about two more meltdowns, one in private and the other in front of my book club ladies. I was slowly coming to the realization that I was in fact going to have another baby and I might as well get used to it.

Then the nausea and exhaustion hit me like a freight train. This pregnancy has been really hard on my mentally, emotionally, and physically. I had more morning sickness than I did with Silas, thankfully that has passed. I was, and still am, battling extreme exhaustion. The simplest tasks make me feel like I just ran a marathon, so you can imagine that taking care of a busy, mess making, energy filled, demanding yet adorable toddler boy has left me even more wiped out. The constant binding down, picking him up, letting him crawl all over me has left me feeling very achy. Plus I have also been feeling rather guilty because when I should be enjoying this time playing with him, all I want to do is crawl up on the couch and take a nap. Some days I still hold him during his nap just to cuddle with him.

On the emotional side of the pregnancy I feel like we have been through a lot too. When we found out that we were having a girl, we also found out that there might be some complications with her heart. Then we found out that she might have Downs Syndrome. So for about three weeks I was in a dark place trying to not let every negative thought enter into my mind. Thankfully all of the tests came back negative and our doctor assured us that we should have a happy and healthy baby girl.

So from the start of the year our family has been on a crazy ride. As I enter into the summer months and into my third trimester, I am beginning to feel really good again. I am nesting too, which means the house is getting a major cleaning. And I'm just trying to enjoy being with Silas. Yesterday I took him to a nearby playground. He had a blast, but let's just say the equipment is not meant for a 28 week pregnant lady. I was feeling the effects of that all night!

As I have been investigating the world of pink, I am getting more and more excited about welcoming Baby Girl Osborn into the world in early September. Seriously how cute is little girls clothing?


It's a New Year

Happy 2012! I realize I'm a few days late, but the flu has hit the Osborn home over the past few days. The marriage vow, "In sickness and in health" has really been lived out (and tested) over the past few days! But we are all on the recovery and ready to start a new year together.

After a busy holiday season, I am definitely ready to get back into a routine and get Silas back onto a schedule. I'm also ready to tackle my list of goals for the new year. There have been several things I have wanted to do, wanted to try, wanted to make, or wanted to read but for whatever reason, I have placed them on the back-burner, and have labeled the someday goals. Well that some day is this year!

I am being (or at least trying to be!) realistic and setting up a few things to do every month. I realize life happens, so things might not get done in my planned time frame, but that is why they are called goals!

One of my biggest goals for the year is become more self disciplined, and from that stems a list of things that I want to work on this year. Here is a list of my goals broken down by priorities:


  • read through the Bible in a year. I have downloaded the YouVersion app on my Kindle, and through that I am following the ESV version. I started in mid-December, and have been pretty consistent about reading it so far. My favorite feature is the audio because I can listen aloud to the Bible, which really comes in handy especially in the Old Testament.

  • Pray more- I have downloaded a prayer calendar for praying over Brett and Silas. Plus I have placed a few books about prayer on my reading list.

  • Memorize the Book of Colossians

  • pray for Brett everyday

  • go on at least two dates, away from the house, a month

  • pray and read the Bible together every night

  • spend time together every night talking about our day, and just enjoying being around each other

  • pray for Silas everyday

  • read aloud from his children's Bible everyday

  • pray with Silas everyday

  • read aloud stories everyday

  • be more consistent with a daily routine and discipline

  • begin planning, organizing, and implementing early learning at home resources and strategies

  • plan one weekly outing together and/or as a family

  • create a Motherhood Mission Statement

  • continue to work off baby weight

  • walk at least three times a week

  • go to the gym at least three times a week

  • begin introducing more real foods and eliminate more processed foods from our diet
Home Keeping

  • follow our daily routine more consistently

  • keep the house picked up

  • follow a weekly and monthly chores plan

  • learn to cook more real food options

  • continue to learn about and incorporate more natural cleaning methods

  • read at least four books a month, including at least one fiction book

  • tackle my list of projects, hoping to accomplish at least two a month

  • stay up to date on photos and memory books for Silas and the family

  • Cut back on our TV viewing- I have been turn off the TV during the day, and I have to admit how much more productive I am and purposeful with my time. I should mention that I have not been sitting around watching TV all day, but have gotten into a really bad habit of just leaving it on as background noise, or watching it while I was nursing.

  • Limit my Internet time to one morning session and one evening session. I have to admit that this one will be a lot harder for me, but this goes back to my goal of being more self disciplined this year and a better manager of time.

  • blog more consistently


  • Continue to serve one Sunday a month in the church nursery

  • look out for opportunities to serve in my church or community at least once a month

  • being more diligent at preserving friendships, both local and long distance

  • continue to be apart of my weekly Bible study at church

  • work on loving and communicating better with some difficult family members


  • continue to tithe to our church and support our current missionaries and ministries

  • adapt a Cash Only spending plan

  • continue to pay off debt

  • save to pay with cash a new washer and dryer

  • aim to help supplement our income by subbing at least four times a month

  • continue to meet with my husband once a week to go over our finances and plan for goals

So these are the goals I have for the 2012 year. I have really spend a lot of time over the past few weeks to examine where my priorities are, and where they should be. I have created a book list of books that I would like to read this year, as well as create a list of projects and things that I want to try. Apart from being more disciplined and a better manager of time, I have also been very convicted of how I spend money too. Not that I am an extravagant spender, but really more mindful of daily purchases, and better at planning to save up for more big ticket items.

Here is the list of projects that I am going to be working on in January:

Books to Read

A Hearth in Candlewood by Delia Parr 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think by Laura Vanderkam Tell Your Time e-book by Amy Lynn Andrews
Cut Your Grocery Bill Half with America’s Cheapest Family by Steve Economides
When I Lay My Isaac Down by Carol Kent
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp
Totally Together: Shortcuts to an Organized Life by Stephanie O’Dea
Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth- limited library


So here's to a new year and to goal setting. It is my plan to update my blog more consistently as I am working through these goals, as an act of accountability. What are some of your goals for the new year?

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