Merry Christmas
Cherishing my days as a Christian wife and mother
Life has been crazy around here lately. Now that Silas is on the move my days are instantly more busy. I am constantly on the go trying to create safe places for Silas to play and explore in the house. His new favorite spot is the recycle bin in the kitchen. I clean every bottle I place in it, so I'm not that concerned when he pulls something out to play with.
So that is my plan to slowly try and get it back together this week. Even though it is not on the list, I am also trying to stay on top of just keeping the house clean and clutter free. I have found a lot more dirt and dog hair around now that it is turning colder outside.
Read more...Berries are one of the fruits that I will only by organic, since the conventional grown berries are heavily sprayed. This time of year the fresh organic berries are VERY expensive, and hard to to find. So I buy frozen organic berries, you can get a lot for your money!
Mix the berries and honey in the blender until pureed. I should have done a few more seconds because I had three random whole berries when I poured the mixture out.
Line a baking pan with parchment paper, and pour the mixture onto the pan. Make sure to evenly spread the berry mixture to fill the pan.
Place the pan in the oven and cook on 200 degrees F for 3 to 4 hours. Check often, you want the mixture to feel dry and no longer sticky.
Cool the pan on a wire rack, the longer you allow it to cool the better.
Cut into strips. I found it easier to to just peel off the pan and tear into pieces as my fruit strips didn't easily cut with a pizza cutter.
The end results look more like beef jerky then fruit roll-ups, but they tasted delicious. I would suggest not using strawberries because the seeds got stuck in my teeth. I will be definitely be making these again!
November brings my absolute favorite holiday, Thanksgiving. What makes this special day such a treasured holiday celebration for me, is it is the one holiday where you simply gather with family and friends and are reminded just how blessed you are. No consumerism or materialistic expectations, just good food!
In the spirit of a thankful heart, what could be cutter than my little Silas Scarecrow!
Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!
Of all my goals for last week, the one thing that I actually did everyday was take a daily walk with Silas. Even when it was cold, I bundled Silas up and off we went. Here are 10 reasons why I love our daily walks and why they are so important to me.
Exercise- still trying to lose that last (pesky) 10 pounds of pregnancy weight that has permanently taken up residence in my mid-section.
So these are my goals for this week, we will see what I actually am able to accomplish.
My Pintrest inspired fall wreath that I made and is now hanging on our front door.
A lovely fall centerpiece on our dinning room table
Spiced Pumpkin candle sitting in my kitchen window box.
Potpourri pumpkins fill a basket on the coffee table in the living room.
Fall candles and cornucopias in place on my picture table in the living room.
A future fall lover, just like his mommy!
Did I mention that...I LOVE FALL!?
I must admit that when I dreamed about my life as a stay-at-home mom I had visions of being productive, having a clean house, eating healthy cooked-from-scratch meals, and accomplishing several projects and tasks around the house. None of the above is true, in fact it is quite far from the truth. I get quite jealous of other mom blogs that boast about the really cute craft or cooking project they accomplished during the day. I'm lucky to have gotten dressed!
At the end of May I told my former co-teacher that I would be her long term sub. while she was on maternity leave for the first 6 weeks of the school year. I knew it would be a huge relief to her to have someone who she has taught with, start the school year off. Plus I also thought that it would help me fight the "not-back-to-school" blues that I assumed I would have.
I'm three weeks into the job, and I have three weeks left to complete. I am exhausted, wiped out, pooped, dog tired! Working full time, raising Silas, trying to be a good wife and keep a house clean is stretching me pretty thin. I have a HUGE amount to respect for the moms who have to work outside the home. I know how draining it can be because I am there right now. Plus Silas has now decided that since I'm not home during the day, he is going to pay me back by returning the middle of the night feedings that he gave up months ago! Thanks little man :)
On the flip side I am also battling guilt. I love teaching, I mean LOVE it. I have always wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember. Sure, there are a lot of things that I don't agree with in our current public education system. However I love the students, love planning, love creating and love grading (okay that last one is a lie because I despise grading!) In the morning it is so hard to walk out the door knowing that I am leaving Silas for 8-9 hours, I feel like I am missing so much with him. Then I get to school and I fall into a routine and the day just rolls by. On the way home I am excited to get home, yet also eager to return back to school the next day. There lies the guilt. How can I hate to leave Silas, home and my desire to be a good wife yet still love to work?
To make my lack of time at home more productive I did a lot of planning over the summer. I have a freezer stocked with meals so I don't have to come home and cook. I have created a much simpler cleaning schedule that just allows me to pick up a little each night. I also have the biggest help of all in my mom, mother in law and sister in law. The three of them rotate to come over every day and watch Silas. While they are here they do my major cleaning (bathrooms, floors, and kitchen) plus laundry! I am very spoiled I know, but incredibly grateful because instead of having to spend my Saturdays cleaning, I can spend time with Brett and Silas.
I am very glad that I don't have to keep this pace up for to much longer, just three more weeks. I will continue to sub. (1-2 days a week at the most) to keep my love for teaching alive. But I am looking forward to being at home where I can train and teach MY child instead of others.
They were both incredibly easy to make (I don't know why I waited so long!) and neither one of them required traditional canning materials or methods. In fact I made both during Silas' afternoon nap.
In a medium saucepan, combine the berries, sugar, lemon juice, and salt. Mash with a masher or wooden spoon until all the berries have released their juices
Cook over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until the mixture has thickened, 18 to 25 minutes. Transfer to container and refrigerate for up to 1 month or freeze for up to a year.
I stored my jam in a little glass Pyrex bowl.
The dill pickles were just as easy to make too.
Dill Pickles
1 cup white vinegar
1 cup sugar (the pickles turned out a little sweeter than I liked, so I think next time I am going to add about a 1/2 cup sugar)
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 pound pickling cucumbers or baby cucumbers, ends trimmed and sliced
8 garlic cloves
2 tsp black peppercorns
2 large seed heads fresh dill (my grocery store was out of fresh dill so I had to substitute with dried dill)
In a medium saucepan over medium-high heat, combine 1 cup water, vinegar, sugar and salt, and bring to a boil. Stir until the sugar and salt dissolve. Let mixture cool to room temperature.
Place pickles, garlic and peppercorns into a jar. Stuff the dill seed head into the center of the jar. Pour the cooled mixture over the pickles. Screw the lid onto the jar, shake well and refrigerate for 24 hours before using. Keep refrigerated for up to 1 year.
Yesterday was also a very special day for me and my family. I got the privilege of baptising my mom at Lee's Summit Community Church. My mom's faith has been growing for a number of years. She has gotten pretty involved in the women's ministry at her church, even becoming a group leader of the Single Woman's Bible study. I had been praying for a number of years that she would meet and become friends with mature Christian women. I was thrilled when she told me she was going to be getting baptised, but then I was shocked when she asked me to do it!
Apparently since her church is so large, the pastors let you choose a person to baptise you as long as they have their own personal relationship with the Lord. Tears came to my eyes yesterday morning as my mom shared her testimony in church before the baptism. All of those prayers for so many years have been answered. It was a special day for my mom, one that I will always treasure.
Okay I have a little confession to make, yesterday I went to the same store twice to maximize my savings on a limited item purchase. My grocery store has my favorite brand of organic pasta sauce on sale for $0.99/limit 2. They also had pasta on sale for $0.79/limit two. Along with pasta and sauce they also had my husband's favorite cereal Wheaties on sale 2 for $5/limit 4. Now when Wheaties goes on sale I like to stock up because it is normally pretty expensive, my store regularly sales it for almost $5 a box! So 2 for $5 is getting one for free, plus I had 3 $1 off 2 General Mills cereal coupons and 2 $0.75 off Wheaties coupons that I had clipped a week earlier from the Sunday paper.
I say "simply" because that is the truth, but honestly I wouldn't trade that time for anything else, including reading a book on the back deck (one of my favorite summer activities). I love the peaceful, tranquil times that Silas and I spend together every day, several times a day. A time that no one else gets to spend with him. My favorite moments together bonding in a way that is so meaningful and important to his well being.
I wish I could say that there was some deep, theological reason for choosing this particular hymn, but I can not. The reason this hymn has such special to meaning to Silas, and to me, was that is was the first song of worship that we sang at church the first Sunday our new family attended after Silas' birth. I was holding my sweet two week old son in church for the first time. My new mommy hormones were raging, so of course there were many tears as the worship band led us with the hymn "Take My Life", the Chris Tomlin version.
As I was singing it, I was moved my the words. It is my prayer for Silas that someday he will sing the words for himself, and mean them.
Take my will, and make it Thine, it shall be no longer mine. Take my heart it is Thine own, it shall be Thy royal throne. Take my love my Lord I pour, at Thy feet it's treasure store.Take myself and I will be, ever only all for Thee.
I typed the hymn out and placed it on Silas' board above his changing table so that I would see it every time I changed a diaper during the day. When I see it, I am reminded to sing the hymn over him.
I'm linking up to: Like a Bubbling Brooke
A year ago this past week I found out I was pregnant with Silas. I remember how excited and terrified I felt all in one. It is hard to believe that Silas has been in my heart and on my mind for over a year now.
I love being Silas' mommy. Every day he does something new as he grows and develops. I am reminded to slow down and to see the world through his eyes as he discovers everything for the first time.
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